Friday, October 06, 2006

Poetry Thursday: Thine in Truth and Fart

I realized that I had ignored the Poetry Thursday prompt yesterday about body parts. So I penned a new sonnet to comply.

I'm not requiring myself to write good sonnets, simply five-finger exercises in form. Once in a while, as in "Schism" or "Be Quiet My Head" (previous posts), I may manage to write something worth preserving for an Andy Warhol second.

Sonnets are usually serious but rhyme can take you into light verse if you're not careful as in the closing couplet below. Yet gas is no joke to me; in Mexico I was in the worst pain of my life with repeated amoebic dysentery. For days I seriously wished for a colostomy, had visions of disemboweling myself to end the pain.

In the context of my personal experience the poem might come over as serious--if the reader knew this background--but the poem won't fill that in--so it's doomed to be comic, or at least sardonic.

I know of no poetic scale that allows for the labeling of tone. I suppose below I think my tone either sardonic or wry.

Brother Ass

My nose is nearly Aboriginal,
Wide with no bridge. My eyes have bags,
Or better, luggage. My belly’s a dirigible
Bloated by dysentery (and it sags).
My shoulders slope, my chest is without hair
Unlike my belly and the works below
My hands are somewhat small but can squeeze air
Into smaller and smaller cubic molecules.
My legs are strong but short for 6’6”.
I have a low center of gravity,
Good for balance on a Viking ship
Or to foot the neck of my depravity.
St. Francis called the body “Brother Ass.”
That donkey's almost killed me with his gas.

At Two Kilobunnies,

Thine in Truth and Fart,



  1. I love the humor in this. The subject of the body can often to lead to, no pun intended, too much navel-gazing.

  2. I came back and read this again this morning, and it inspired a navel-gazing poem. Thanks again!!

  3. The music in this poem is wonderful CE. My favorite line: "Or better, luggage. My belly’s a dirigible". A fine piece. Thanks for the post.

  4. Sam, you are TOO nice! Just once I'd like to see you show your teeth. Go on, I can take it. But I would never suggest you change your sweet nature.

  5. Dear Craig Erick

    I’m pleased to read that you are currently at 2KB. Gas is no fun. I apologize for diverting your attention away from poetry Thursday.

    This poem is very funny – metrically jumpy – but it works well with the painful imagery. Is there such as thing as a cubic molecule? A cubane? Explosively gaseous!!!


  6. You must not apologize! Medicine helps my left hemisphere, which can get out of practice with too much poetry. Always happy to lend a latex-sheathed hand.

  7. Dear Craig E,

    Re: Your earlier post about dreams:

    There is a poem at my blog about last night's dream. I caught it before it faded - only just. It is bad as a poem because it needed attention much earlier, if that makes sense.


  8. I'm appreciating your humor.

    Thanks for the info on Poetry thurs. I am aware of it, but never seem to be able to post a poem on that day. I thought of creating a stock pile of my fave poets to post on thurs inlue of something from me, but have yet to follow thru.

    As for Sonnet Sunday. I might be interested! Now, to look up the definition of what makes a sonnet.

    Either way, I am coming back here to check your stuff out.


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