Monday, October 01, 2007

Free, free, free at last!!! ...?.....

It is a week since I started on the expensive $14 tablet/day that my wife insisted we buy, contrary to my best depressive judgment. I can honestly say before God and Man and the Devil that I haven't been depressed in a week. I've cried in grief, but have had no depression. It's a fucking miracle! .

As my elder brother Chris always says, "Good to have you back!!"

Good to be back!!!!!

I can't tell you how grateful I am to science, luck, my doctor, the Demiurge who gave us reason and my darling wife, who insisted on more snake oil at a scandalous price, as well as the support I've received here. Know that your encouragements were never wasted, however dark it seemed to me.

At 3 Kilobunnies,


I don't know how I fucked up this underlining feature, but not being depressed, I can live with imperfection. Hoo Haw!


  1. Hoo Haw, indeed!


  2. CE

    I'll try to recruit some readers - if you're sure an autobiography is what you want/need to write. And only if that's the case.

    But since you need money, try to interest publishers/agents before you self-publish it (obviously revise it from its raw blog state). Try at least ten agents before you go down the self-publishing route. Could you make that a promise? Do we have a deal?

  3. Anonymous4:20 AM PDT


    I think an autobiography might turn out to be a bad idea - just a hunch.

    Poetry is your forte. There are only 4 Internet poets worth reading and you are one.


  4. My, my, I must take this into account. Hold the presses. I promise, Rob. Coral you think too highly of me, obviously. But I am terribly curious as to the other three. I always like to know what company I'm in.

    So hold the preses! I recant! Recruit no one. I will mull this over. I have so many unfinished projects that I really ought to finish them before plunging into a new one.

  5. Anonymous3:04 PM PDT

    though at thirty-one I feel pretty dumb, but I'll raise my hand and ask anyways.

    here goes:

    What was it you were going to do if someone gave you 50k? What does ECT stand for?

    Ok enough, I know others' are listening and I hate to look too bad in the front, besides I see theres' terrific improvement, so I'll just leave you with something that qualifies, something I found the other day, while playing hooky.

    Knowing others is wisdom;
    knowing the self is enlightenment.
    mastering others requires force;
    mastering the self needs strength.

    He who knows he has enough is Rich.
    perseverance is a sign of will power.
    he who stays where he is endures.
    to die but not to perish is to be eternally present.

    ... but I'm sure you already knew all that.)

  6. Anonymous4:21 PM PDT


    LKD, RHE and Bob Hicok.


    PS. Beautiful mantra Anon

  7. LKD I know and agree (I'm a fan of hers). But RHE? Don't know. Hicock I can google. There's no way I could list only four, but your method strikes me as a helpful thing amidst the sea of voices.

    Anon, you don't have to disqualify the value of your contribution by confessing your age. We are all equals here. Thank you for those eight lines.

    Whether I know it or not I always need to be reminded, since none of us actually live in that way 24/7.

  8. Anonymous6:04 AM PDT


    If you want to Google, full name is R.H. Epstein. Superb poetry.


  9. Anonymous7:13 AM PDT


    Here is a Q&A session with Bob Hicok. I completely agree with his healthy attitude towards poetry.


  10. Anonymous10:06 AM PDT

    Great to read that you are feeling so much better, CE.

    if you don't mind me asking, can you share the name of the medication that did the trick?


Please share your opinion!

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